
I am interested in exploring the oscillatory brain responses associated with different physiological states, including awareness, resting state, sleep, emotion, and cognition.

I have investigated the temporal coupling among neuronal populations and metabolic activity during cognitive functions, acquiring experience in functional Magnetic Resonance and quantitative electroencephalography.

I received my Ph.D. in Biomedical Science at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. My Doctoral thesis was centered on the neural substrates underlying decision-making under the effects of diazepam.  Afterward, I developed a  Postdoctoral Research, granted by the Government of Canada and CONACYT, at the University of Ottawa Institute on Mental Health Research. Currently, I work at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in Mexico City.

My studies are directed toward understanding the neural bases of emotion and awareness by using drugs as a tool to modify neural activity and exploring the changes that take place in healthy subjects and in patients, in order to obtain a better understanding of the physiological mechanisms implicated.